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One needs to apply for an import licence. To do so, kindly go to our licensing portal in our website and apply online.

Whenever encountered with such a problem, kindly call EPRA using the following numbers: 0722 200 947 or 0708 444 000 or email through EPRA will be able to dispatch inspectors to test for adulteration for both the petroleum fuel at the station and that in your car’s tank.

LPG prices are very competitive at the moment. If there are signs of market failure, the Authority will not hesitate to control LPG prices.

To apply for a licence, visit our online licensing portal You will be required to register as a user and then access credentials will be sent to the indicated email address.

Using the access credentials, you will be required to log into your profile. Fill in the required details with correct information. Depending on the licence category selected, you will be required to attach soft copies of the documents as listed by the system. You are cautioned not to leave any space blank without attaching the requisite document. On completion of attachment and after being satisfied with the filled in information, you will be required to click “submit”.

No licensing fees are charged at the moment for petroleum business licences.

An application will take a maximum of 30 days from the date of successful submission of the application to the response either by grant or deferral of a licence. In case a license is deferred one will be notified the specific reasons.

Energy Auditors licence and Energy Audit Firm Licence